
SetXRM CRM Solution


Address Book

With the address book module, you can keep a list of your customers with all their details in the CRM system. You can also track different information about customers, such as their contacts and locations, in the system.


Lead Management

You can keep track of your potential customers who have not converted into offers. Via SetXRM Rest API, you can ensure that potentials coming from your website or a different application are automatically transferred to the SetXRM system.

Offer Module

You can save the offers in a format suitable for your business structure, automatically receive your offers from the system in Word or PDF format and send them to the customer by e-mail. With Kanban Offer Tracking, you can track all your active offers on a single page and increase your sales performance.

Activity, Appointment and Task Module

You can follow all in-company activities, external visits and duties of the sales team through this module. All records can be viewed in lists as well as on the calendar and map. By checking the location during visits, it can be determined that the user is actually there.

CRM Reporting Module

You can view Activity, Appointment and Sales reports from the system or design them to be sent to your e-mail address at certain intervals. Thanks to the flexible reporting tool, you can design your own reports as well as ready-made reports. You can view your team's sales funnel with a single report and perform bottleneck analysis.

Order Module

After the offer turns into an order, other processes can be followed via SetXRM. If desired, automatic order transfer integration can be made into ERP software

Calendar Module

Thanks to the SetXRM Calendar structure, tracking can be done via the calendar in any module that has a date field.

Visit calendar based on sales representative, task calendar, offer calendar based on validity dates, etc.

  (Full Calendar ile entegre)


Map Module

You can track user visits and customer locations on the map. Reporting on the map is possible in this module. For example; You can view the visits of user A in a certain district or within a certain time period on the map.


Order writing, stock reading, current account integration, risk limit and balance integrations with ERP (Logo, Mikro, Netsis, SAP etc.). In addition, it can be integrated with any application thanks to the Rest API. Transactions can be made via mobile application with NFC devices.

Are SetCRM Package Features not sufficient for your sales processes?

With SetXRM Platform Features, changes can be made quickly within existing package

modules.You can quickly develop additional modules

to existing modules using drag and drop without writing code.You can read the

platform advantages on our relevant blog pages.


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