
Damage Tracking Management


Damage Tracking Module

You can follow the process from recording customer information to registering damaged vehicles and checking the status of the file with experts and insurance companies.

Finance Module

It works fully integrated with your existing ERP program. You can make reminders for overdue payments, partial payment tracking, and payment tracking for exterior repairs at the end of the day.

Appointment Module

Your customers can make an appointment via the website or mobile application, and you can assign a special service consultant to the appointment. Your customers in the service waiting area can see the appointment order and vehicle delivery order.

Reporting Module

Financial analysis provides performance details of expert and insurance companies, vehicles in the repair process, vehicles awaiting expert control, and data where you can measure labor performance.

Mobile Application

In case of damage detection, you can make file determinations directly from the mobile device in the field or in the repair shop, without having to sit in front of the computer in front of the vehicle. You can check and record via the browser and access file-based automatically created folder archives with a single click whenever you want.

File and Image Management

Vehicle damage photos, crime scene, repair photos or documents (pdf, jpg, etc.) scanned and transferred from the scanner are saved in the relevant file in the program and automatically archived. In this way, all processes, including documents and photographs, are collected on a file basis, allowing you to easily access the information of a file you are looking for.


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