
İnteractif CRM Management

You can implement Interactive CRM solutions with SetXRM. The most important element in CRM applications is people. Accordingly, we need to learn people’s behaviors, approaches, opinions about our product and company by using different approaches and change our own behaviors accordingly.

We call the operations carried out by establishing a dialogue with customers one-on-one or via social media tools, Interactive CRM.

In the simplest sense, after selling the product, we can call the customer and ask a few questions about the product/service, whether he is satisfied or not, and analyze the results through the system.

In SetXRM, you can communicate with your customers and get answers to mini survey questions for your products and services by using the call center, fault/complaint management, and social media management modules

All comments, announcements and criticisms made about your company and products on social media will come online to the SetXRM social media section. This process is provided by the API developed for SetXRM.

In this way, you can easily exchange information from your own website or different applications and integrate them in a short time.

You can associate each module with each other and integrate IVR with phone systems. You can also ensure that the e-mails you choose are stored on the CRM by integrating Outlook.

One of the main purposes of CRM is; It is possible to gain profitable customers and keep them for a long time, to dispose of unprofitable customers, and to cross-sell products with interactive CRM. It will be possible to evaluate customer recommendations and produce new products or sales policies as a result of these recommendations.

In conclusion; By using voice, e-mail, SMS, web and one-to-one communication tools, you can quickly solve your customer expectations more effectively. SetXRM call center module offers you all solutions for interactive CRM.