
Elevator Business Process Software Features


Address Book

With the address book module in Elevator Business Processes Software, you can keep the list of your customers in the CRM system with all the details. You can also track different information about customers such as contacts, locations, etc. in the system.

Discovery Module

With the Elevator Business Processes Software, it is the area where your teams in the field enter the information of the discovery made about the place where the elevator will be built, in the light of this information, you can turn your discoveries into offers and easily get price information.

Offer Module

Thanks to the Elevator Business Process Software, you can convert the discovery information made by your teams in the field into an offer. In addition, you can easily create offers with the elevator information you will enter. You can also send the offers you create with Elevator Software directly to your customer through the system.

Activity, Appointment and Task Module

With Elevator Business Processes Software, you can track all internal activities, external visits and tasks of your employees through this module. All records can be viewed on the calendar and map as well as lists. By checking the location of the visits, it can be checked that the user is actually there.

CRM Reporting Module

With Elevator Business Processes Software, you can view Activity, Appointment and Sales reports from the system or design them to be sent to e-mail addresses at certain intervals. Thanks to the flexible reporting tool, you can design your own reports as well as ready-made reports.

Order Module

With Elevator Business Processes Software, after the offer turns into an order, other processes can be followed through SetXRM. For parts that you do not have here, you can send an order form for the relevant product to the people you define as suppliers. If desired, automatic order transfer integration can be made to ERP software.

Control Module

With Elevator Business Processes Software, you can keep the control stages of the elevators you sell in the system, follow the labels according to the information from the controls, and control the entire process of the elevator.

Production Plan

With Elevator Business Processes Software, you can easily follow the production processes of your elevators from this screen, thanks to the production plan module, you can easily change the elevator production processes with the kanban module, with the drag and drop method.


Order writing, stock reading, current account integration, risk limit and balance integrations with ERP (Logo, Mikro, Netsis, SAP etc.). In addition, it can be integrated with the desired application thanks to the Rest API.


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